Natasha Smith

I’m a grief advocate, author, speaker, podcaster, and content creative.

I love God and believe He has a heart for the hurting. I believe God sees, He knows, and He understands every single thing that we go through. I believe it is His will for us to be healed and whole. And I believe He works on our behalf in every circumstance when we call on Him.

I have a heart for the hurting, for the grieving, for those experiencing and facing hard times in life. I have experienced God’s love, sovereignty, power, healing, peace, and love in my life. Thus, I love sharing God’s goodness with others. For those who are hurting there is Hope. Because Hope’s name is Jesus.

I’m a North Carolina native and blessed to share home life with my husband Clinton and our four beautiful kiddos. We love God and strive to keep Him at the center of our home.

I have been sharing on faith, family, and grief for over 12 plus years on my site as well as other publications. A few include: Her View From Home, TODAY Parents, and Focus on the Family. My new book Can You Just Sit With Me? Healthy Grieving for the Losses of Life will release September 26, 2023, with InterVarsity Press. Additionally, I had several pieces included in devotionals published with Guideposts this year.

In all I share, my heart for you is to see Jesus. To see His heart, love, care, and concern for you especially in grief. To experience His hope even in pain, suffering, hard times, and grief. And I pray that you will know you are not alone. I am sitting with you. And God is sitting with us.